The following list identifies the tasks that must be completed for the assessment of competency to use the UQ Drupal content management system.

  1. UQ Standard orientation

    Task 1.1 - accessibility and usability
    Task 1.2 - UQ Standard overview
    Task 1.3 - login to UQ Drupal

  2. Components

    Task 2.1 - hero banner component
    Task 2.2 - rich text component
    Task 2.3 - card grid component

  3. Basic page

    Task 3.1 - format content
    Task 3.2 - Insert links
    Task 3.3 - In-line images

  4. Structured page

    Task: structured page

  5. Person, team, our people & staff directory

    Task 5.1 - create a person (professional)
    Task 5.2 - create a person (academic)
    Task 5.3 - create a team (professional)
    Task 5.4 - create a team (academic)

  6. Event, event sessions & events page

    Task 6.1 - event - with sessions
    Task 6.2 - event - without sessions
    Task 6.3 - promote event in a card grid

When you have completed all the listed tasks email adding the message and your details as noted below.


Subject: UQ Drupal Fundamentals training - completed


I have completed the tasks for the UQ Drupal Fundamentals training.  My details are as follows:

Sandbox URL: [please insert the URL for your sandbox]

Kind Regards

Kindly provide us with feedback on your training experience
Course feedback