10. Our people page, staff directory & research profile

The following three pages contain links to the person content type. 

  1. Our people panel page
  2. Staff directory
  3. Research profile content type

1. Our people

  1. The Our people landing page is available in the UQ Drupal website by default.
  2. In the main body, published teams consisting of published person content types are listed in a view on the Our people page.  The default order is descending by post date.  
    The order can be changed by a site coordinator by using Entity queues.
  3. On the right-hand side of the Our people page, a view of the teams  is listed alphabetically.

Our people page

2. Staff directory

  1. The staff directory is a tab on the Contact page in the main menu
  2. The list of staff displayed in the staff directory can be filtered by the Staff group vocabulary terms that are used e.g. professional or academic.

Filtered by professional staff 

staff directory filtered by professional staff

Filtered by Academic staff

staff directory filtered by academic staff


3. Research profile

  1. Research is one of the landing pages available on the UQ Drupal website.  It is not visible by default.
  2. Research profile B is one of the research profile content types that has been created and published.  The title and URL for the Research profile B has been inserted in the grid of links component in the black Research bar.
  3. Title of the Research profile content type displaying
  4. Introduction and paragraphs of the Research profile content type displaying 
  5. Projects view - all project content types with the tag, research area B, will display on the research profile content type which also has the tag, research area B selected for it.
  6. Person view - all person content types with the tag, research area B, will display on the research profile content type which also has the tag, research area B selected for it.

research profile page

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