3. Review: event - with sessions

Compare your event with the following:

  1. Event - published
  2. Event session - published
  3. Event landing page
  4. Display of information in a component on Training page 2 - view: vertical content list: teaser

Event - published page

  1. Event title
  2. Registration button appears because the registration field was completed for the parent event. The register button is removed after the registration date expires.
  3. Registration start and end dates are displayed
  4. Event description
  5. Event contact
  6. Vertical content teaser list for the upcoming events
  7. Session title - hyperlinks to the page for the display of the event session information
  8. Session date and time
  9. Session summary
  10. Register button because the register box was ticked.

Event session


Event session - published 

  1. Hyperlink to the event page
  2. Session title
  3. Session date and time 
  4. Registration button
  5. Event registration period
  6. Session description
  7. Event description - important to note that the event description always appears on the event session page, therefore it cannot be the same as the session description.
  8. Location
  9. Teaser of upcoming sessions for the event

Event details

Events landing page

To view the Events page go to /events on your website, e.g. https://uqgrich3.sandbox.drupal.uq.edu.au/events 

The events landing page only displays event sessions rather than the over-arching event. If you wish to display the event, consider displaying it in a component. See  Display in a horizontal card grid component and  Display of information in a component - view: vertical content list: teaser

  1. A quicktab enables the user to choose between  a vertical content teaser list of upcoming or past events.
  2. Vertical content teaser list
  3. Session title - hyperlinks to the page for the display of the event session information
  4. Session date and time
  5. Event title - hyperlinks to the page for the display of the event information
  6. Session summary

Events page

Display of information in a component on Training page 2 - view: vertical content list:teaser

Purpose:  to show you what happens if you tag your content with sample event.
if content is tagged with sample event, it will appear in the View: vertical content list: teaser for events.
if you added a teaser image to your event, the teaser image will be displayed along with the hyperlinked title and summary for your event.

  1. Event teaser - no event session, teaser image, event type or registration was added.
  2. Event teaser - teaser image, event type and sessions added. Registration has expired therefore the registration button does not display.
  3. Event teaser image for the new event
  4. Event type
  5. Event summary
  6. Register button for the event.

Event vertical content teaser list