This guide is for Drupal 7 (UQ Standard) sites.
If you're working on a site built in the new version of Drupal (Study and Scholarships), see documents on new Drupal.

You can upload and manage files on UQ Standard websites by using Drupal's file browser.

Online images and documents need to be stored on a web server so users can view them on your site. You can upload and manage most of these files by using Drupal's file browser.

Naming files

When naming your files:

  • use lowercase and replace spaces with hyphens (e.g. use 'uq-pathways-brochure', not 'UQ Pathways brochure')
  • don't include dates, version numbers or words such as 'Final' or 'web version'
  • keep your file names short
  • use names that are human-friendly and meaningful to users (e.g. 'debt-collection-request-form.pdf' not 'debt-coll-req.pdf' or 'BP230515472.pdf') 
  • don't use special characters.
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Uploading files

Before uploading a file, make sure you have:

You can upload files to the file browser through:

  • the Drupal menu, or
  • the WYSIWYG editor when inserting an image or link.

Uploading files through the Drupal menu

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Start at the appropriate top-level folder: 'Images' for images, 'Files' for documents. If you have restricted content enabled on your site, you can also add files to 'Staff Only' and Staff & Students' as appropriate.
  3. Click the arrows to expand each folder until you find the appropriate subfolder to save your file in (this will vary depending on how your site's file manager is organised). 
  4. Click the 'Upload' button in the top menu.
  5. Select your file and click 'Open' to upload the file.

Uploading images using the WYSIWYG

  1. Click where you would like to insert the image in the WYSIWYG editor.
  2. Click the image icon in the WYSIWYG editor.
  3. Click the 'Browse Server' button. This will open the file browser.
  4. Select the 'Images' folder and click the 'Upload' button in the top menu.
  5. Locate your image and click 'Open' to upload the file.
  6. Select the uploaded image and select 'Choose' to add it to the WYSIWYG.

Uploading documents using the WYSIWYG

  1. Highlight your link text and click the link icon in the WYSIWYG editor.
  2. From the window, select 'URL' from the 'Link type' drop-down menu.
  3. Click the 'Browse server' button. This will open the file browser.
  4. Select the 'Files' folder and click the 'Upload' button in the top menu.
  5. Locate your file and click 'Open' to upload the file.
  6. Select the uploaded file and select 'Choose' to create a link to the document.
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Updating files – replace with new version

If a file needs updating, use the 'Replace File' button. This function lets you upload an updated file without changing the original URL. Any links to the old file or image will continue to work.

To replace a file with an updated version:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Select the file you want to replace and click the 'Replace File' button in the top menu.
  3. Locate the new file. Make sure that the new file has exactly the same name and file type as the original file.
  4. Select 'Replace'.
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Moving files

You can move files from one folder to another without having to re-upload them. After moving a file, any links to the file will continue to work.

To move a file:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Select the file you want to move and drag it to the new folder.
  3. Select 'Move Here' and the file will be moved across.
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Renaming files

You can rename files after uploading them. After renaming a file, any links to the file on your website will continue to work.

To rename a file:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Select the file you want to rename and click the 'Rename' button in the top menu.
  3. Enter a new file name and click 'OK'.
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Checking where files are being used

To check where a file is being used on your website:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Select the file and click the 'File References' button in the top menu. This will show you where the file is being used on your website. It won't tell you if the file is being used on other websites.
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Creating subfolders

You can create new subfolders in the file browser to help organise your files.

To create a subfolder:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Select the 'Files' or 'Images' folder and click the 'New Subfolder' button in the top menu.
  3. Enter a name for your subfolder and click 'OK'.
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Deleting files or subfolders

You can permanently delete files or empty subfolders.

Before deleting a file, you should check if the file is being used. Deleting a file that's still being used will cause broken links.

To delete a file:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Locate the file you want to delete and click on it.
  3. Make sure the file is highlighted blue. This confirms you are deleting one file and not the whole subfolder.
  4. Right-click the file and select 'Delete'.

To delete a subfolder:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then click 'Browse files'. This will open the file browser.
  2. Right-click the subfolder you want to delete.
  3. Click 'Delete'.
  4. A confirmation window will appear. To permanently delete the subfolder, click 'OK'. This will delete all files and sub-folders within.
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Restricting access to files

On your website, you can restrict certain files to either:

  • all staff
  • all staff and all students.

To learn more, see our advice on restricting access to content.

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Accepted file types

Drupal's file browser accepts the following file types:

  • asf
  • csv
  • doc
  • docx
  • dot
  • dotx
  • ens
  • gif
  • gz
  • gzip
  • ics
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • mp3
  • ods
  • odt
  • pdf
  • png
  • ppt
  • pptx
  • rar
  • rtf
  • tar
  • tgz
  • txt
  • vsd
  • xls
  • xlsx
  • xml
  • zip
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